Killerbyte Workshop

A small indie dev from Queensland, Australia.

14 April 2024

Homelab Part 2

by Killerbyte

Well, homelab part 2.

I’ve now got Home Assistant running now alongside two TPLink Tapo C210 cameras. I might get a bit further into the home automation rabbithole. Nothing like spending a grand total of 6-7hrs in total trying to get the right package to get Tapo integration working and then the Reverse Proxy…good ole Home Assistant having some slight issues with Nginx there.

Still looking into a bit more of the project management stuff. I got OneDev working but I want a bug tracking solution. Not exactly many options that work alongside Portainer unfortunately so a bit more work to be done on that front.

I also have code-server running as well. If you are not familiar, it’s a server-based version of Visual Studio code. Even comes with extensions but nowhere near as many as the regular version (No Github Copilot here).

Portainer List

Above is a list of all of the docker containers in my homelab currently. Once I actually get the Raspberry Pi 5, I’ll get a RAM upgrade from 4GB to 8GB as well as a capacity upgrade with my M.2 NVMe 1TB SSD that’s already installed into the case it’ll reside in.

Towards more progress,

