Killerbyte Workshop

A small indie dev from Queensland, Australia.

15 April 2024

Homelab Part 3

by Killerbyte

Looks like it’s another homelab update.

So, the Raspberry Pi 5 arrived today and I streamed the setup over on I still have the footage on my main PC so I’ll edit it tomorrow and upload it to YouTube and add the link here.

As a result, the Raspberry Pi 400 that I was using as the temporary homelab is now just another node. I installed Portainer-agent onto it and then threw on Memos, a lightweight notes app with a Twitter like feel to it. You can find it here. I even have it going through Nginx Proxy Manager as well however, I had to use the local address instead of the Portainer address.

That gives me now an extra 14GB at least for extra containers and now after mounting the SSD onto the main server, about 900GB of storage which I might setup Samba still. Also still weighing up a Plex server but I need movies and TV shows for that.

Edit: I even got Samba working now and both my PC and the Macbook are now connected. I now have a NAS. I might build a separate NAS with a bunch of 1TB SSDs to run in RAID 10.

Until next time

